The most recent paper by our team Sexual size dimorphism and sex determination in Blacksmith Lapwing Vanellus armatus (Burchell, 1822) (Charadriiformes: Charadriidae) has just been published in The European Zoological...
In January 2021 BMRS team published a new paper: Sex-specific differences in spring migration timing of Song Thrush Turdus philomelos at the Baltic coast in relation to temperatures on the...
In October 2020 an international scientific journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B (B – Biological Sciences) published a paper on Blackcap migration: Individual variability and versatility in an eco-evolutionary...
In autumn 2020, in spite of restrictions imposed by the authorities due to the COVID-19 disease, both Operation Baltic ringing stations worked through the whole season (Bukowo: 4 August –...
Sixty years ago, on the 11th September 1960, a research project focused on bird migration along the Polish Baltic coast was launched, known as Operation Baltic (Polish: Akcja Bałtycka). Its...
In the face of restrictions introduced by the authorities due to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemy, we decided to launch only one Operation Baltic field station in spring 2020 – Hel. The...
Autumn field season at Operation Baltic ringing stations turned out to be even more successful than autumn 2018, in terms of bird numbers. Altogether we ringed 29 170 birds (7104...
During the spring season in 2019 altogether 10 736 birds were ringed at Operation Baltic field ringing stations – 3634 at Bukowo (the highest spring score in current locality of the...
The team of our Bird Migration Research Station has just returned from a research expedition to South Africa from 8 February to 3 March 2019. The team leader was prof....
In autumn 2018 we recorded a much more intensive migration of passerines than in the last three years. Altogehter 21 938 individuals of 105 species were ringed at both stations...