Flexibility of migrant birds’ moult patterns and other life-cycle stages in response to environmental conditions


Coordinator: Dr hab. Magdalena Remisiewicz,

Participants: BMRS team,


Poland: KSSOP network, Dr hab. Michał S. Wojciechowski, Department of Vertebrate Zoology, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń.

South Africa: Prof. Les G. Underhill, Dr Dieter Oschadleus (Animal Demography Unit, SAFRING, University of Cape Town); Dr Marc Burman (Animal Demography Unit, Centre for Statistics in Ecology, Environments and Conservation, University of Cape Town); Joel Avni (SAFRING, Bird’s-Eye View Productions); Anthony J. Tree (SAFRING);  Dr Zephné Bernitz, Prof. Herman Bernitz (SAFRING, University of Pretoria)



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