Figures show the index of numbers (nAB; white circles) and numerical trends (blue line) of the birds caught in autumn (“jesień”) and spring (“wiosna”) migrations at Operation Baltic’s main stations (station’s name in each figure’s heading) in 1965–2012. Trends determined by dynamic linear models(dlm; Petris et al. 2009, Simmons et al. 2015, Barshep et al. in press). Dashed lines – 95% confidence interval for the trend. Squares on the X-axis indicate years in which ringing location at the station was moved. nAB – index of numbers at Operation Baltic, calculated as the total number of individuals of a species caught during spring (26 March – 15 May) or autumn (15 Aug – 1 Nov) migration, recalculated per 50 passerine mist nets of 7m length.


Maciąg T. 2017. Wieloletnie trendy liczebności wybranych gatunków wróblowych w trakcie wiosennej i jesiennej migracji przez polskie wybrzeże Bałtyku. Praca magisterska, Stacja Badania Wędrówek Ptaków, Wydział Biologii Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego [Long-term trends of numbers of some passerine species during spring and autumn migration through the Polish Baltic coast. MSc thesis, Bird Migration Research Station, Faculty of Biology, University of Gdańsk; in Polish]. PDF

Recommended citation:

Maciąg T., Remisiewicz M., Nowakowski J.K., Redlisiak M., Rosińska K., Stępniewski K., Stępniewska K., Szulc J. Website of the Bird Migration Research Station [online]. Gdańsk: University of Gdańsk, 2017 [updated 2017-..- ..], [accessed on …. – write the date of access].

Czyż / Siskin / Spinus spinus

Pełzacz leśny / Eurasian treecreper / Certhia familiaris

Rudzik / Robin / Erithacus rubecula

Muchołówka żałobna / European pied flycatcher / Ficedula hypoleuca

Zięba / Chaffinch / Fringilla coelebs

Pierwiosnek / Chiffchaff / Phylloscopus collybita

Pleszka / Redstart / Phoenicurus phoenicurus

Pokrzywnica / Dunnock / Prunella modularis

Mysikrólik / Goldcrest / Regulus regulus

Kapturka / Blackcap / Sylvia atricapilla

Gajówka / Garden warbler / Sylvia borin

Cierniówka / Common whitethroat / Sylvia communis

Piegża / Lesser whitethroat / Sylvia curruca

Strzyżyk / Eurasian Wren / Troglodytes troglodytes

Muchołówka szara / Spotted flycatcher / Muscicapa striata

Piecuszek / Willow warbler / Phylloscopus trochilus